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Inital Management: Oxygen should be given to all patents buy 100 mcg entocort with amex, except those with severe chronic obstructve pulmonary disease discount 100 mcg entocort free shipping. Pain and anxiety are relieved by slow intravenous injecton of an opioid analgesic such as morphine purchase entocort 100 mcg line. Metoclopramide may also be given by intramuscular injecton to prevent and treat nausea and vomitng caused by morphine. Acetylsalicylic acid 150-300 mg by mouth (preferably chewed or dispersed in water) is given immediately for its antplatelet efect. Thrombolytc drugs such as streptokinase help to restore perfusion and thus relieve myocardial ischaemia; they should ideally be given within 1 h of infarcton (use afer 12 h requires specialist advice). Early administraton of beta-blockers such as atenolol have been shown to reduce both early mortality and the recur- rence rate of myocardial infarcton; inital intravenous admin- istraton is followed by long-term oral treatment (unless the patent has contraindicatons). If arrhythmias occur, they should be treated aggressively, but the likelihood decreases rapidly over the frst 24 h afer infarcton. Ventricular fbrillaton should be treated imme- diately with a defbrillator; if this is inefectve alone, the antarrhythmic drug lidocaine should be given. Long-term Management Acetylsalicylic acid should be given to all patents in a dose of 75-150 mg daily by mouth, unless it is contraindicated. Treatment with beta-blockers should be contnued for at least 1 year and possibly for up to 3 years. Stroke: Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) may be ischaemic or haem- orrhagic; precise diagnosis is essental, as management for the two types of stroke is quite diferent. Primary preventon of both types of stroke includes reducton of high blood pressure, stopping smoking, weight reducton and cholesterol reducton. Atrial fbrillaton, acute myocardial infarcton and valvular disease may produce embolism and ischaemic stroke. Prophylaxis in patents at risk of ischaemic stroke includes oral antcoagulants such as warfarin and antplatelet drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid. Treatment of acute ischaemic stroke includes use of acetylsalicylic acid, antcoagulants such as heparin and of thrombolytcs, such as streptokinase. Long-term therapy with acetyl- salicylic acid reduces the risk of having another stroke. Antplatelet and thrombolytc drugs are not used in the management of haemorrhagic stroke, as they may exacerbate bleeding. Acetylsalicylic acid is normally given for at least one year afer coronary artery bypass surgery. It is also given to patents with prosthetc heart valves who have had cerebral embolism despite warfarin treatment. Contraindicatons Surgery within 10 days, including organ biopsy, puncture of noncompressible vessels, serious trauma, cardiopulmonary resuscitaton, actve bleeding, serious gastrointestnal bleeding within 3 months, previous cerebrovascular accident or actve intracranial process, thrombocytopenia, severe uncontrolled hypertension, aortc dissecton, acute pericardits. Precautons Monitor platelet count for thrombocytopenia; interactions (Appendix 6c); pregnancy (Appendix 7c). Dose Oral Adult-Prophylaxis of cerebrovascular disease or myocardial infarcton: 75 to 100 mg daily. Adverse Efects Bronchospasm;gastrointestnalhaemorrhage (rarely, major); also other haemorrhage (for example subconjunctval); urtcaria; hepatomegaly. Alteplase Pregnancy Category-C Schedule H Indicatons Acute myocardial infarcton, acute massive pulmonary embolism, acute ischaemic stroke. Dose Intravenous Acute myocardial infarcton Adult: The recommended total dose is 100 mg. Heparin therapy to be insttuted or reinsttuted near the end of or immediately following the alteplase infusion when the partal thromboplastn tme returns to twice normal or less. Acute ischemic stroke Adult: Use recommended within frst 3 h of onset of the symptoms. Caution in recent surgery or invasive procedures, diabetic hemorrhagic retinopathy, severe hepatic and renal impairment, pregnancy (Appendix 7c), lactation, children, elderly, interactions (Appendix 6c). Adverse Efects Hemorrhage including intracranial, gastrointestnal or genitourinary bleeding, transient hypotension, reperfusion dysrythmias, cerebral edema, seizures, allergic-type reactons, nausea, vomitng. Storage Store protected from heat, light and moisture at room temperature (<30°C) or under refrigeraton. Clopidogrel* Pregnancy Category-B Schedule H Indicatons Prophylaxis in thromboembolic disorders including myocardial infarcton, peripheral arterial disease and stroke, acute coronary syndrome. Contraindicatons Hypersensitvity, actve pathological bleed- ing such as peptc ulcer or intracranial hem- orrhage, coagulaton disorders, lactaton. Precautons Patient with increased risk of bleeding from trauma, surgery or other pathological conditions, ulcers, renal impairment, hepatic impairment, history of bleeding or haemostatic disorder, pregnancy (Appendix 7c); interactions (Appendix 6c). Adult- Thrombosis: 2,50,000 units over 30 min, followed by 1,00,000 units every h for 12 to 72 h according to conditon with monitoring of clotng parameters. Contraindicatons Recent haemorrhage; surgery (including dental); parturiton; trauma; heavy vaginal bleeding; haemorrhagic stroke; history of cerebrovascular disease (especially recent or if residual disability); coma; severe hypertension; coagulaton defects; bleeding diatheses; aortc dissecton; risk of gastrointestnal bleeding such as recent history of peptc ulcer; oesophageal varices; ulceratve colits; acute pancreatts; severe liver disease; acute pulmonary disease with cavitaton; previous allergic reactons; pregnancy (Appendix 7c). Precautons Risk of bleeding from any invasive procedure; including injecton; external chest compres- sion; abdominal aneurysm or where throm- bolysis may give rise to embolic complica- tons such as enlarged lef atrium with atrial fbrillaton (risk of dissoluton of clot and sub- sequent embolizaton); diabetc retnopathy (small risk of retnal haemorrhage); recent or concurrent antcoagulant treatment; platelet count; fbrinogen level; thrombin and pro- thrombin tme. Storage Store in a sealed container protected from light in refrigerator (2 to 8⁰C). Urokinase* Pregnancy Category-C Schedule H Indicatons Acute myocardial infarcton; pulmonary embolism; deep vein thrombosis; peripheral vascular thrombosis; peripheral arterial thromboembolism; arterial thrombosis. Dose Intravenous infusion Deep vein thrombosis: 4,400 units/kg body weight in 15 ml Sodium Chloride (0. Contraindicatons In recent haemorrhage; trauma; or surgery (including dental extracton); coagulaton defects; bleeding diatheses; aortc dissecton; coma; history of cerebrovascular disease especially recent events or with any residual disability; recent symptoms of possible peptc ulceraton; heavy vaginal bleeding; severe hypertension; actve pulmonary disease with cavitaton; acute pancreatts; pericardits; bacterial endocardits; severe liver disease and oesophageal varices.

Manufactured catecholamines have a short duration of action entocort 100mcg, which can limit their therapeutic usefulness trusted 100mcg entocort. Drug interactions Drug interactions involving catecholamines can be serious buy generic entocort 100 mcg line, result- ing in hypotension, hypertension, arrhythmias, seizures, and high blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. These patients may require an increased dose of insulin or oral antidiabetic agents. Adverse reactions to catecholamines Adverse reactions to catecholamines can include: • restlessness • asthmatic episode • dizziness • headache • palpitations • cardiac arrhythmias • hypotension • hypertension and hypertensive crisis • stroke • angina • increased blood glucose levels • tissue necrosis and sloughing (if a catecholamine given I. Increased risk of adverse effects, such as hypertension, may occur when adrenergic drugs are given with other drugs that can cause hypertension. Absorption and distribution Absorption of the noncatecholamines depends on the administra- tion route: • Inhaled drugs, such as albuterol, are absorbed gradually from the bronchi and result in lower drug levels in the body. Excretion Noncatecholamines and their metabolites are excreted primarily in urine. Some, such as inhaled albuterol, are excreted within 24 hours; others, such as oral albuterol, within 3 days. Acidic urine increases excretion of many noncatecholamines; alkaline urine slows excretion. Pharmacodynamics Noncatecholamines can be direct-acting, indirect-acting, or dual- acting (unlike catecholamines, which are primarily direct-acting). Those that selectively stimulate beta2 re- ceptors include albuterol, isoetharine, metaproterenol, and terbu- taline. Pharmacotherapeutics Noncatecholamines stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, producing a variety of effects in the body. Phenylephrine, for ex- ample, causes vasoconstriction and is used to treat hypotension in cases of severe shock. Adverse reactions to noncatecholamines Adverse reactions to noncate- • hypertension or hypotension cholamine drugs may include: • palpitations • headache • bradycardia or tachycardia • restlessness • irregular heart rhythm • anxiety or euphoria • cardiac arrest • irritability • cerebral hemorrhage • trembling • tingling or coldness in the arms • drowsiness or insomnia or legs • light-headedness • pallor or flushing • incoherence • angina. Here are a few examples of drugs that interact with noncatechol- amines: • Anesthetics (general), cyclopropane, and halogenated hydrocar- bons can cause arrhythmias. Hypotension can also occur if these drugs are taken with noncatecholamines that exert predominantly beta2 activity, such as terbutaline. When taken with other non- catecholamines, oxytocic drugs can cause hypertensive crisis or a stroke. Their action at these sites can be exerted by: • interrupting the action of adrenergic (sympathomimetic) drugs • reducing available norepinephrine • preventing the action of cholinergic drugs. Classified information Adrenergic blocking drugs are classified according to their site of action as: • alpha-adrenergic blockers (or alpha blockers) • beta-adrenergic blockers (or beta blockers). Alpha-adrenergic blockers Alpha-adrenergic blockers work by interrupting the actions of the catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine at alpha recep- tors. This results in: • relaxation of the smooth muscle in blood vessels • increased dilation of blood vessels Let’s face it—the • decreased blood pressure. A mixed bag Ergotamine is a mixed alpha agonist and antagonist; at high doses, it acts as an alpha-adrenergic blocker. Pharmacokinetics The action of alpha-adrenergic blockers in the body isn’t well un- derstood. Most of these drugs are absorbed erratically when ad- ministered orally, and more rapidly and completely when adminis- tered sublingually. Pharmacodynamics Alpha-adrenergic blockers work in one of two ways: • They interfere with or block the synthesis, storage, release, and reuptake of norepinephrine by neurons. Not very discriminating Alpha-adrenergic blockers include drugs that block stimulation of alpha1 receptors and that may block alpha2 receptors. Reducing resistance Alpha-adrenergic blockers occupy alpha receptor sites on the smooth muscle of blood vessels. How alpha-adrenergic blockers affect peripheral blood vessels By occupying alpha receptor sites, alpha-adrenergic blocking One result: Orthostatic hypotension drugs cause the blood vessel walls to relax. This leads to dila- These effects can cause orthostatic hypotension, a drop in tion of the blood vessels and reduced peripheral vascular re- blood pressure that occurs when changing position from lying sistance (the pressure that blood must overcome as it flows in down to standing. The decreased periph- eral vascular resistance (resistance to blood flow) helps to de- crease blood pressure. Alpha-adrenergic blockers cause a The therapeutic effect of an alpha-adrenergic blocker depends on small change in blood the sympathetic tone (the state of partial constriction of blood pressure if you’re lying vessels) in the body before the drug is administered. For instance, down… when the drug is given with the patient lying down, only a small change in blood pressure occurs. Patient up, pressure down On the other hand, when a patient stands up, norepinephrine is re- leased to constrict the veins and shoot blood back up to the heart. If the patient receives an alpha-adrenergic blocker, however, the veins can’t constrict and blood pools in the legs. This drop in blood pressure that occurs when a person stands up is called or- thostatic hypotension. Pharmacotherapeutics Because alpha-adrenergic blockers cause smooth muscles to relax and blood vessels to dilate, they increase local blood flow to the skin and other organs and reduce blood pressure. As a result, they’re used to treat: …when you stand, • benign prostatic hypertrophy the drug prevents • hypertension your veins from • peripheral vascular disorders (diseases of the blood vessels of constricting. Drug interactions Many drugs interact with alpha-adrenergic blockers, producing a synergistic, or exaggerated, effect. These interactions can occur when these drugs are taken with ergoloid mesylates and ergotamine: • Caffeine and macrolide antibiotics can increase the effects of ergotamine. Adverse reactions to alpha- adrenergic blockers Most adverse reactions associated with alpha-adrenergic blockers are caused primarily by dilation of the blood vessels. They include: • orthostatic hypotension or severe rebound hypertension • bradycardia or tachycardia • edema • difficulty breathing • light-headedness • flushing • arrhythmias • angina • heart attack • spasm of blood vessels in the brain • a shocklike state. Non- selective beta-adrenergic blockers affect: • beta1 receptor sites (located mainly in the heart) • beta2 receptor sites (located in the bronchi, blood vessels, and uterus).

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Pipette 50 ml into a conical flask cheap 100mcg entocort with visa, cool to below 15°C (in ice-bath) and titrate gradually with 0 discount entocort 100 mcg without prescription. Theory : The estimation is based on the fact that isocarboxazid undergoes rapid cleavage in acidic medium to produce benzylhydrazine cheap entocort 100mcg line. The latter reacts with nitrous acid to yield the corresponding diazonium salt quantitatively. The contents of the flask are shaken thoroughly and continuously until a distinctly visible blue colour is obtained when a drop of the titrated solution is placed on a starch-iodide paper 5 minutes after the last addition of the 0. Why is it necessary to perform ‘sodium nitrite titrations’ invariably in an acidic medium? Based on the ‘diazotization reaction’ how would you carry out the assay of the following ‘drug substances’ : (i) Isocarboxazid (ii) Phthalylsulphathiazole (iii) Sulphamelthoxazole (iv) Primaquine phosphate. These products of reaction are produced quantitatively and are mostly water-insoluble in characteristics ; and more interestingly they take place in an acidic medium. As it has been discussed earlier, iodine cannot be used directly as an oxidizing agent in such type of assays, whereas the liberated iodine quantitatively produced by the oxidation of iodide with bromine (excess) may be assayed by titrating against sodium thiosulphate solution. Procedure : Weigh 3 g of potassium bromate and 15 g of potassium bromide in a beaker and dissolve with water. Add to it 5 ml of hydrochloric acid, moisten the glass-stopper with water and insert the stopper in the flask. Now, add 5 ml of potassium iodide solution, again lace the stopper and allow the resulting mixture to stand for 5 minutes in the dark. Warm the solution to about 75°C, add 2 drops of methyl orange solution and continue the titration gradually while swirling the contents of the flask thor- oughly after each addition. If the colour of the solution is still red, continue the titration dropwise and with constant stirring until the red colour of the indicator is discharged completely. Repeat an operation without the pharmaceutical substance (blank titration) ; thus the difference between the titrations represents the amount of bromine required by the ethacrynic acid. Cognate Assays A number of pharmaceutical substances may be determined quantitatively by titration with bromine as given in Table 13. Transfer the solution quantitatively into a 1 litre volumetric flask and make up the volume to the mark. Mix the contents thoroughly and allow it to stand for 5 minutes with its stopper in position. Carry out a blank run using the same quantities of the reagents and incorporate the necessary corrections, if any. Mephenesin Theory : Mephenesin undergoes oxidation with bromine to yield a dibromo derivative as expressed in the following equation : BrO – + 6e + 6H+ → Br– + 3H O... Phenol Theory : Phenol interacts with bromine whereby the former undergoes bromination to yield a water- insoluble 2, 4, 6-tribromophenol. Set it aside in a dark place for 20 minutes while shaking the contents frequently in between. Carry out a blank titration simultaneously and incorporate any necessary correction, if required. Cognate Assays A few other pharmaceutical substances may also be assayed by titrating with 0. Under appropriate experimental parameters the iodate reacts quantitatively with both iodides and iodine. It is, however, interesting to observe here that the iodate titrations may be carried out effectively in the presence of saturated organic acids, alcohol and a host of other organic substances. Since, the normality of iodate solution varies significantly depending on the nature of the reaction, therefore, in usual practice standard iodate solutions of known molarity are used. In a situation, whereby excess of potassium iodate is employed, any I– formed [Eq. Interestingly, at higher concentrations of hydrochloric acid, both the iodide and iodine obtained as reduction products of iodate [Eqs. Iodine is liberated at the initial stages of the titration which renders the chloroform layer coloured. At that material point when all the reducing agent under estimation has been duly oxidized, the iodate completes the oxidation of iodine and iodide to I+, and hence the colour from the chloroform layer disappears. Shake the contents thoroughly, allow to separate and collect the chloroform layer in another separating funnel. Treat the aqueous layer with 3 further quantities each of 10 ml of chloroform and discard the chloroform layer. Add 2 ml of chloroform and continue the titration until the chlorofonn layer becomes colourless. Potassium Iodide Theory : The iodine monochloride method described earlier employing standard potassium iodate is the basis for the official assay of potassium iodide. Vigorous shaking is a prime requirement, as the end-point is approached in this assay, because of the fact that both iodine and iodate in different phases attribute a heterogeneous medium. Add the last portion of the iodate solution carefully and dropwise while shaking the contents of the flask vigorously and continuously. Cognate Assays A host of other pharmaceutical substances, namely : cetrimide, hydralazine hydrochloride, phenylhydrazine hydrochloride may be assayed by titration with potassium iodate as mentioned in Table : 13. Why is ‘bromine’ preferred to ‘iodine’ in redox methods for the assay of pharmaceutical organic substances? Wingrove, ‘An Introduction to Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry’, New York, Holt, Rienhart and Winsten, 1985.

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Chairman of the Advocacy Training Council order entocort 100mcg free shipping, a body that facilitates and coordinates the Declaration of interests: training of and professional support for the Arsha Gosine has no competing interests Bar buy entocort 100 mcg otc. He has held a long-term interest in the that might be perceived as posing a conflict impact of drugs policy upon the or bias 100mcg entocort for sale. Declaration of interests: Nicholas Green has no interests that conflict or compete with the issues being considered in the report and that would affect his views. Formerly a Chief Officer in South Yorkshire Police, she has been the Chairman of the Security during which time he also held national Industry Authority and Deputy Chairman responsibilities for public order policing. In the 2002, he moved to Her Majesty’s 1990s, Molly worked in Russia for four Inspectorate of Constabulary prior to years, advising the Russian Government on becoming Chief Constable of Humberside the development of a system to handle Police in 2005. She is the author or editor and is one of the Vice Presidents of of a number of books on the benefits Association of Chief Police Officers. Her political interests include Declaration of interests: mental health, criminal justice, welfare Tim Hollis declares no support from any benefits and social care. For approximately half of that time Kylie Reed coordinated a Department of he was a local police surgeon. Health-funded review of published English and international evidence and available Declaration of interests: data to inform consideration of the extent of David Pickersgill declares that he has dependence on and harm from prescribed no conflicts of interests. Kylie seconded to work at the Department of has worked in clinically diverse settings in Health, and has worked with the World addiction psychiatry, including inpatient Health Organisation, the General Medical units and the smoking cessation service at Council and currently works with National the Maudsley Hospital, community Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. From 2008 to 2009, Kylie worked as an adviser in the Substance Misuse Policy team at the Department of Health. Steve had extensive experience in charge of a has been a regular contributor to the public wide range of treatments in community debate on drug policy and law: in print and and residential settings. He trained in psychiatry worked for the Medical Research Council at the Maudsley/Bethlem Royal Hospital and Oxfam, having studied Geography at between 1976 and 1982. Research interests include: supervised injecting clinics Declaration of interests: for managing entrenched heroin addicts Transform Drug Policy Foundation is a who cannot otherwise be engaged in charitable think tank. Its purpose is to draw treatment; new approaches to preventing public attention to their opinion that drug drug-overdose deaths, involving family prohibition itself is the major cause of drug- members; and contingency management related harm to individuals, communities to improve treatments to reduce drug use and nations. He has made prohibition to be replaced by effective, just contributions to the Department of Health, and humane Government control and Home Office, Royal College of Psychiatrists, regulation. He has received the work of organisations that review project grant support and/or honoraria evidence of effectiveness of drug policy; has and/or consultancy payments from the received research and educational grant Department of Health, National Treatment support or honoraria, consultancy payments, Agency, Home Office, European Monitoring and travelling, accommodation, or Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and conference expenses from pharmaceutical United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. He has measurement of health, and was principal had no support from any organisation for investigator on the Arts and Humanities the submitted work and, other than the Research Council funded project, The Ethics above, no financial relationships with any of Risk. He is a member of the Nuffield organisations that might have had an Council on Bioethics, and the Ethics interest in the submitted work in the Committee of the Royal College of previous three years. Formerly, he was a member of the Gambling Review Body, the Nuffield Council Working Party on the Ethics of Research Involving Animals, and the Academy of Medical Sciences Working Party on Brain Science and Addiction. He is currently advising an interdepartmental government committee on the valuation of life and health. His recent books include Ethics and public policy: a philosophical inquiry (2011) and The human right to health (2012). Desired effect Addictiveness Amphetamine A synthetic drug that Stimulant used for a People can become can easily be ‘buzz’ of alertness dependent on the produced on a small and energy and the psychological effects scale. Relieves amphetamines do or smoked or, less boredom and not create physical frequently, injected. Desired effect Addictiveness Cannabis Naturally occurring A mild hallucinogen There is some plant used as leaves that also has some evidence of physical (‘grass’, ‘ganja’, sedative and dependence ‘marijuana’, ‘weed’), disinhibiting associated with resin (‘hash’, properties. It induces cannabis use, which ‘hashish’) or oil that relaxation and can lead to can be smoked or heightens the senses. It may be many different relieve symptoms in psychologically varieties of varying chronic illnesses like addictive if people strengths. Around multiple sclerosis and depend on it as part 100 varieties have glaucoma are being of a coping strategy high levels of the actively researched. Does not powerful physical produce physical and psychological dependence to the rush of exhilaration same degree as and excitement, heroin, but its alertness, confidence physical effects are and strength within 3 powerful and minutes of ingestion withdrawal creates and the effects last very unpleasant 15-40 minutes. No instant from the morphine depress the nervous dependency, but from the opium system and slow physical dependence poppy. Users used for a number of When pure, it is a experience a rush, a days consecutively, white powder, but it warm sensation and even at relatively is usually brownish- sense of being cut low levels. Can May produce ketamine produce euphoria at psychological hydrochloride, found lower doses, dependence. Usually sold as effects, which may tiny squares of paper, last up to 8-12 often with pictures hours, include on them, but also heightened and found as a liquid or altered perception. Psilocybin Mushrooms growing Hallucinogens, Not addictive, but (magic mushrooms) in the wild. Spice A collection of herbs When smoked, they Not known to induce (synthetic or plant material that produce cannabis- physical dependence. Although tobacco smoke and cannabis smoke are known to contain a similar range of mutagens and carcinogens, actual exposure to these compounds may differ between tobacco and cannabis users in terms of the frequency and duration of use, and because of factors such as the depth of inhalation. Percentage of 16 to 64 year olds reporting lifetime, last year and last month use of individual drugs in Scotland, 2008/2009, by sex Lifetime use Last year use Last month use Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Any drug 37. This includes the cross-Government organised crime strategy, Local to global: reducing the risk from organised crime, published in July 2011b 3. This includes raising awareness among parents and carers, and targeting young people 2. Any use of drugs must be The 12A category only exists for infrequent and should not be cinema films, where children glamorised or give instructional under 12 must be accompanied detail by an adult to enter. Films classified as 12A are not recommended for children under 12 15 Suitable only for 15 years Drugs may be shown but the and over film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug use.

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