

By Y. Hamid. University of Texas at Brownsville.

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The Essential Competencies and the Comprehensive The Essential Competencies are intended to Guidelines, as amended from time to time, be generic. The indicators following each replace the “Standards of Practice for Medical competency are examples of the application Radiation Technologists” for radiography, nuclear of that competency in a specific dimension of medicine and radiation therapy published by practice. It is intended that the Essential Competencies or Comprehensive Guidelines Competencies and Comprehensive Guidelines be set standards that are higher than departmental used in conjunction with the Code of Ethics. They will assist managers in making appropriate decisions regarding management of the practice of M. They will assist educators in curriculum development and in providing appropriate instruction. Legislation, Standards and Ethics and operability, and to take any corrective actions required to meet standards set by legislation, M. Equipment and Materials guidelines are met; h) determine, set and verify the technique and The work of M. Diagnostic Examinations and or treatment purposes that are ordered by a Radiation Treatment physician (or other health care practitioner listed in the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act), M. Safe Practice b) conduct appropriate quality control tests for all equipment and substances to be used in an M. Therefore, they date; endeavour to reduce the risk of harm to their e) verify the patient’s identity for all treatment patients, to themselves, to their colleagues and to procedures and examinations; any other individuals who may be present in the f) ascertain whether any female patient, age 10 – practice environment, at all times and in every 55, might be pregnant, and make necessary aspect of their practice. In the event of any unexpected patient will not be expected to perform any problems or emergencies, M. Suite 1001 Toronto, Ontario M5S 1T9 tel (416) 975-4353 fax (416) 975-4355 1 (800) 563-5847 www. Togeth er , th esedocumentsprovideamodelfor StandardsofPractice ensuringsafe , effectiveand eth icalprofessionalperformanceto ensuresafe , effectiveand eth ical Condensed 170 Bloor Street W. O neregulationisan amendmentto th eregistrationregulationofth eC ollegeth atsetsoutth eregistrationrequirementsin orderforamagneticresonance M R ) tech nologistto beissued acertificateofregistrationbyth eC ollege wh ich auth orizesth epracticeofth especialtyofM R. A pplicationofElectromagnetism forM agnetic fax (416) 975-4355tel (416) 975-4353 www. Electromagnetism formagneticresonance Regulated Health Professions ActFor acting in accordance with the imagingh asbeenprescribed asaform ofenergy SeeA ppendixC. Reg madeunderth eRegulated H ealth ProfessionsA ct Overview Authorized Delegation Agency practices O. Reg th eC ontrolled A ctsRegulation providesexemptionsfor certainpersonsto applyelectromagnetism formagneticresonanceimaging M R I) inpublich ospitalsand independenth ealth facilitiesifcertainconditionsaremet U nderth eC ontrolled A ctsRegulation , amemberofth eC ollegeofPh ysiciansand SurgeonsofO ntario is permitted to applyororderth eapplicationofelectromagnetism provided certainconditionsaremet. SeeA ppendixE Page 16 4 Section A ddendum to Com preh ensive G uidelines Section A ddendum to Com preh ensive G uidelines 5 Book Page Paragraph TextofA ddendum Exceptionsand Exemptions Compreh ensive Exceptionsand Exemptions G uidelines Toronto, OntarioSuite 1001M5S 1T9170 Bloor Street W. For acting in accordance with theRegulated Health Professions Act Scope of Practice / Controlled Acts Model This publication contains the following sections: Overview Authorized Acts Delegation Agency Practices 6 Book Page Paragraph TextofA ddendum A ppendix E A ppendix E Compreh ensive G uidelines Toronto, OntarioSuite 1001M5S 1T9170 Bloor Street W. R eg madeunderth eM edicalRadiationTech nologyA ctprescribeselectromagnetism asaform ofenergyforth epurposeofth escopeofpracticestatementofmedicalradiationtech nology For acting in accordance with theRegulated Health Professions Act Scope of Practice / Controlled Acts Model This publication contains the following sections: Overview Authorized Acts Delegation Agency Practices T h efourmedicalradiationtech nologyspecialtiesare • R adiograph y • R adiationT h erapy • N uclearM edicine • M agneticR esonance Page 17 6 Section A ddendum to Com preh ensive G uidelines Section A ddendum to Com preh ensive G uidelines 8 Book Page Paragraph TextofA ddendum G lossary M edicalR adiationTech nologists Compreh ensive G uidelines Toronto, OntarioSuite 1001M5S 1T9170 Bloor Street W. T h etitle“medical 4 R eplacement radiationtech nologist”isaprotected titleand mayonlybeused byth oseregistered with th e Regulated Health Professions ActFor acting in accordance with the C ollegeofM edicalR adiationTech nologistsofO ntario. Scope of Practice / Controlled Acts Model This publication contains the following sections: Overview Authorized Acts Delegation Agency Practices A memberwh o h oldsaspecialtycertificateofregistrationlisted inth efirstcolumnofth eTablebelow mayuseth etitleand th eabbreviationsetoutoppositeto th especialtyinth esecond and th ird columns ofth eTable Specialty Title A bbreviation R adiograph y M edicalR adiation M. G uidelines tel (416) 975-4353M5S 1T9Toronto, Ontario fax (416) 975-4355 1 A dditionofparagraph 3 For acting in accordance with theRegulated Health Professions act scope of practice / controlled acts modelThis publication contains the following sections: Overview Authorized Delegation Agency practices 1 Book Page Paragraph TextofA ddendum A ppendix F A ppendix F Compreh ensive G uidelines Suite 1001Toronto, Ontario170 Bloor Street W. M5S 1T9 O rdersforTreatment fax (416) 975-4355tel (416) 975-4353 O rdersforTreatment– Section ofR evised R egulationsofO ntario 1 , R egulation www. R eg , s  A memberofth eR oyalC ollegeofDentalSurgeonsofO ntario isexemptfrom subsection of th eA ctforth epurposeofapplyingelectricityfordefibrillationorelectrocoagulation. R eg s 3 N ote: O nJune 1 , th e R egulationisamended byaddingth e followingsection  A memberofth eC ollegeofM edicalR adiationTech nologistsisexemptfrom subsection ofth e A ctforth epurposeofapplyingelectromagnetism ifth eapplicationisordered byamemberofth e C ollegeofPh ysiciansand SurgeonsofO ntario and, ( a th eelectromagnetism isapplied formagneticresonanceimagingusingequipmentth atis ( i) installed inasiteofapublich ospitalwh ereth epublich ospitalisapproved asapublic h ospitalunderth ePublicH ospitalsA ctand th esiteofth epublich ospitalisgraded underth at A ctasaG roupN siteofah ospital, and ( ii) operated byth epublich ospitalmentioned insubclause i) ( b th eelectromagnetism isapplied formagneticresonanceimagingand allofth efollowing conditionsaremet Page 20 1 A ppendix E A ddendum to Com preh ensive G uidelines A ppendix E A ddendum to Com preh ensive G uidelines ( i) th eelectromagnetism isused to support, assistand beanecessaryadjunct, oranyofth em, A memberofth eC ollegeofPh ysiciansand SurgeonsofO ntario isexemptfrom subsection of to aninsured servicewith inth emeaningofH ealth InsuranceA ct th eA ctforth epurposeofapplyingororderingth eapplicationofelectromagnetism if ( ii) th emagneticresonanceimagingisprovided to personswh o areinsured personswith in a th eelectromagnetism isapplied formagneticresonanceimagingusingequipmentth atis th emeaningofth eH ealth InsuranceA ct ( i) installed inasiteofapublich ospitalwh ereth epublich ospitalisapproved asapublic ( iii) th eelectromagnetism isapplied inanindependenth ealth facilitylicensed underth e h ospitalunderth ePublicH ospitalsA ctand th esiteofth epublich ospitalisgraded underth at IndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectofmagneticresonanceimaging; or A ctasaG roupN siteofah ospital, and ( c th eelectromagnetism isapplied formagneticresonanceimagingand allofth efollowing ii) operated byth epublich ospitalmentioned insubclause i) conditionsaremet ( b th eelectromagnetism isapplied formagneticresonanceimagingand allofth efollowing ( i) th eelectromagnetism isnotused to support, assistand beanecessaryadjunct, oranyof conditionsaremet th em, to aninsured servicewith inth emeaningofH ealth InsuranceA ct , orth emagnetic resonanceimagingisnotprovided to personswh o areinsured personswith inth emeaningof i) th eelectromagnetism isused to support, assistand beanecessaryadjunct, oranyofth em, th atA ct, orboth , to aninsured servicewith inth emeaningofH ealth InsuranceA ct ( ii) th eelectromagnetism isapplied inafacilityth atisoperated byanoperatorth ath oldsa ii) th emagneticresonanceimagingisprovided to personswh o areinsured personswith in licenceunderth eIndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectofmagneticresonanceimaging th emeaningofth eH ealth InsuranceA ct ( iii) th eelectromagnetism isapplied inafacilityth atisoperated onth esamepremisesasth e iii) th eelectromagnetism isapplied inanindependenth ealth facilitylicensed underth e independenth ealth facilitylicensed underth eIndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectof IndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectofmagneticresonanceimaging; or magneticresonanceimagingth atisoperated byth eoperatormentioned insubclause ii) ( c th eelectromagnetism isapplied formagneticresonanceimagingand allofth efollowing ( ivth eelectromagnetism isapplied usingth esameequipmentth atisused to provide conditionsaremet magneticresonanceimaginginth eindependenth ealth facilitylicensed underth e IndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectofmagneticresonanceimagingth atisoperated by i) th eelectromagnetism isnotused to support, assistand beanecessaryadjunct, oranyof th eoperatormentioned insubclause ii) th em, to aninsured servicewith inth emeaningofH ealth InsuranceA ct , orth emagnetic resonanceimagingisnotprovided to personswh o areinsured personswith inth emeaningof ( vth eoperatorofth efacilityinwh ich th eelectromagnetism isapplied isapartyto avalid th atA ct, orboth , and subsistingagreementwith th eM inisterconcerningth eprovisionofmagneticresonance imaging. R eg s ii) th eelectromagnetism isapplied inafacilityth atisoperated byanoperatorth ath oldsa licenceunderth eIndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectofmagneticresonanceimaging See: O. R eg ss ( iii) th eelectromagnetism isapplied inafacilityth atisoperated onth esamepremisesasth e ( A memberofth eR oyalC ollegeofDentalSurgeonsofO ntario isexemptfrom subsection of independenth ealth facilitylicensed underth eIndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectof th eA ctforth epurposeofapplyingelectricityforelectromyograph yornerveconductionstudies , inth e magneticresonanceimagingth atisoperated byth eoperatormentioned insubclause ii) courseofconductingresearch. R eg s ( ivth eelectromagnetism isapplied usingth esameequipmentth atisused to provide  A memberofth eC ollegeofM idwivesofO ntario isexemptfrom subsection ofth eA ctforth e magneticresonanceimaginginth eindependenth ealth facilitylicensed underth e purposeoforderingth eapplicationofsoundwavesforpregnancydiagnosticultrasound orpelvic IndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectofmagneticresonanceimagingth atisoperated diagnosticultrasound. R eg s byth eoperatormentioned insubclause ii)  A memberofth eC ollegeofPh ysiciansand SurgeonsofO ntario isexemptfrom subsection vth eoperatorofth efacilityinwh ich th eelectromagnetism isapplied isapartyto avalid ofth eA ctforth epurposeofapplying, ororderingth eapplicationof, electricityforaprocedurelisted in and subsistingagreementwith th eM inisterconcerningth eprovisionofmagneticresonance paragraph ofsection orsoundwavesforaprocedurelisted inparagraph ofsection imaging. R eg s Page 21 1 A ppendix E A ddendum to Com preh ensive G uidelines A ppendix E A ddendum to Com preh ensive G uidelines  A memberofth eC ollegeofPsych ologistsofO ntario isexemptfrom subsection ofth eA ctfor B) th eelectromagnetism isapplied inafacilityth atisoperated byanoperatorth at th epurposeofapplying, ororderingth eapplicationof, electricityforaversiveconditioning h oldsalicenceunderth eIndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectofmagnetic O. R eg s resonanceimaging  A personisexemptfrom subsection ofth eA ctforth epurposeof C ) th eelectromagnetism isapplied inafacilityth atisoperated onth esamepremises ( a applyingsoundwavesforpregnancydiagnosticultrasound orpelvicdiagnosticultrasound if asth eindependenth ealth facilitylicensed underth eIndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctin th eapplicationisordered byamemberofth eC ollegeofM idwivesofO ntario; respectofmagneticresonanceimagingth atisoperated byth eoperatormentioned in subsubclause B) ( b applyingsoundwavesfordiagnosticultrasound ofth eabdomen , pelvisand breastifth e applicationisordered byamemberofth eC ollegeofN ursesofO ntario wh o isaregistered nurse D) th eelectromagnetism isapplied usingth esameequipmentth atisused to provide inth eextended class magneticresonanceimaginginth eindependenth ealth facilitylicensed underth e IndependentH ealth F acilitiesA ctinrespectofmagneticresonanceimagingth atis ( c applyingsoundwavesfordiagnosticultrasound ifth eapplicationisordered byamemberof operated byth eoperatormentioned insubsubclause B) th eC ollegeofPh ysiciansand SurgeonsofO ntario; ( E th eoperatorofth efacilityinwh ich th eelectromagnetism isapplied isapartyto a ( d) applyingelectromagnetism ifth eapplicationisordered byamemberofth eC ollegeof valid and subsistingagreementwith th eM inisterconcerningth eprovisionofmagnetic Ph ysiciansand SurgeonsofO ntario and, resonanceimaging; and ( i) th eelectromagnetism isapplied formagneticresonanceimagingusingequipmentth atis N ote: O nJune clause ( d) isrevoked. R eg ss ( e applyingelectricityforaversiveconditioningifth eapplicationisordered and directed bya ( A ) installed inasiteofapublich ospitalwh ereth epublich ospitalisapproved asa memberofth eC ollegeofPh ysiciansand SurgeonsofO ntario orbyamemberofth eC ollegeof publich ospitalunderth ePublicH ospitalsA ctand th esiteofth epublich ospitalis Psych ologistsofO ntario. R eg s graded underth atA ctasaG roupN siteofah ospital, and 8 T h efollowingactivitiesareexemptfrom subsection ofth eA ct ( B) operated byth epublich ospitalmentioned insubsubclause A ) 1 A cupuncture ( ii) th eelectromagnetism isapplied formagneticresonanceimagingand allofth efollowing conditionsaremet Earorbodypiercingforth epurposeofaccommodatingapieceofjewellery ( A ) th eelectromagnetism isused to support, assistand beanecessaryadjunct, oranyof Electrolysis th em, to aninsured servicewith inth emeaningofH ealth InsuranceA ct 4. R eg s ( B) th emagneticresonanceimagingisprovided to personswh o areinsured persons with inth emeaningofth eH ealth InsuranceA ct M alecircumcisionisanactivityth atisexemptfrom subsection ofth eA ctifth ecircumcisionis performed aspartofareligioustraditionorceremony.

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When hypotension cannot be corrected by infusing fluids order celebrex 100mg with mastercard, the diagnosis is septic shock order 100mg celebrex with amex. The incidence of gresses to septic shock buy celebrex 100 mg online, the risk of dying increases substan- severe sepsis and septic shock has increased over the past tially. Whereas sepsis is usually reversible, patients with septic 20 years, and the annual number of cases is now shock often succumb despite aggressive therapy. Approximately two-thirds of the cases occur in patients with significant underlying illness. The Severe sepsis can be a response to any class of microor- rising incidence of severe sepsis in the United States is ganism. Hematologic: Platelet count <80,000/μL or 50% decrease in platelet count from highest value recorded over the previous 3 days 5. The widespread use of antimicrobial play a role in producing noninfectious sepsis-like states. When they invade human hosts, often through Most cases of severe sepsis are triggered by bacteria or breaks in an epithelial barrier, infection is typically local- fungi that do not ordinarily cause systemic disease in ized to the subepithelial tissue. Microbial pathogens, in contrast, commensals seem to induce severe sepsis most often by are able to circumvent innate defenses by elaborating triggering severe local tissue inflammation rather than by toxins or other virulence factors. In contrast, gram- can fail to kill the invaders despite mounting a vigorous negative bacteria that do not make hexaacyl lipid A (Yersinia inflammatory reaction that can result in severe sepsis. The pestis, Francisella tularensis, Vibrio vulnificus, Pseudomonas septic response may also be induced by microbial exo- aeruginosa, and Burkholderia pseudomallei, among others) are toxins that act as superantigens (e. When they do trigger severe sepsis, it is often in the setting of massive bacterial growth throughout Animals have exquisitely sensitive mechanisms for recog- the body. Cytokines and Other Mediators Local Control Mechanisms Cytokines can exert endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine Host recognition of invading microbes within subep- effects. The anti-inflammatory forces that put out the enhance neutrophil–endothelial adhesion at sites of fire and clean up the battleground include molecules infection, and increase prostaglandin and leukotriene that neutralize or inactivate microbial signals. High-mobility group B-1, a particles, which sequester the lipid A moiety so that it transcription factor, can also be released from cells and cannot interact with cells. Coagulation Factors Systemic responses to infection also diminish cellular Intravascular thrombosis, a hallmark of the local inflam- responses to microbial molecules. Circulating levels of matory response, may help wall off invading microbes anti-inflammatory cytokines (e. Clotting is also favored by impaired function of favoring their demargination and thus contributing to the protein C–protein S inhibitory pathway and deple- leukocytosis while preventing neutrophil–endothelial tion of antithrombin and protein C, and fibrinolysis is adhesion in uninflamed organs. The available evidence prevented by increased plasma levels of plasminogen acti- thus suggests that the body’s systemic responses to injury vator inhibitor 1. Thus, there may be a striking propen- and infection normally prevent inflammation within sity toward intravascular fibrin deposition, thrombosis, organs distant from a site of infection. There is typically very little necrosis or thrombosis, and apoptosis is largely con- fined to lymphoid organs and the gastrointestinal tract. Organ Dysfunction and Shock Moreover, organ function usually returns to normal if As the body’s responses to infection intensify, the mixture patients recover. These points suggest that organ dys- of circulating cytokines and other molecules becomes function during severe sepsis has a basis that is principally very complex: elevated blood levels of more than 50 mol- biochemical, not anatomic. Although high concentrations of both pro- and anti- Septic Shock inflammatory molecules are found, the net mediator The hallmark of septic shock is a decrease in peripheral balance in the plasma of these extremely sick patients vascular resistance that occurs despite increased levels of may actually be anti-inflammatory. In patients with oxygen delivery to tissues is compromised by myocardial severe sepsis, the persistence of leukocyte hyporespon- depression, hypovolemia, and other factors. During this siveness has been associated with an increased risk of “hypodynamic” period, the blood lactate concentration is dying. Apoptotic death of B cells, follicular dendritic elevated, and central venous oxygen saturation is low. The blood lactate level may Most investigators have favored widespread vascular be normal or increased, and normalization of the central endothelial injury as the major mechanism for multior- venous oxygen saturation (SvO ) may reflect either 2 gan dysfunction. In keeping with this idea, one study improved oxygen delivery or left-to-right shunting. Agents mediators and platelet-leukocyte-fibrin thrombi may that inhibit the synthesis or action of each of these medi- contribute to vascular injury, but the vascular endothe- ators can prevent or reverse endotoxic shock in animals. Although these responses can attract phagocytes to infected sites Severe Sepsis: A Single Pathogenesis? In patients with fulminant caused by swollen endothelial cells, decreased deformabil- meningococcemia, for example, mortality rates have corre- ity of circulating erythrocytes, leukocyte–platelet–fibrin lated well with blood endotoxin levels and with the thrombi, or compression by edema fluid. In a large series of patients Oxygen utilization by tissues may also be impaired by a with positive blood cultures, the risk of developing severe sepsis was strongly related to the site of primary infection: hemorrhage and necrosis. Histopathologic examination 283 bacteremia arising from a pulmonary or abdominal source shows bacteria in and around the wall of a small vessel, was eightfold more likely to be associated with severe sep- with little or no neutrophilic response. Hemorrhagic or sis than was bacteremic urinary tract infection, even after bullous lesions in a septic patient who has recently eaten the investigators controlled for age, the kind of bacteria raw oysters suggest V. A third patho- lesions in a patient who has recently suffered a dog bite genesis may be represented by severe sepsis caused by may indicate bloodstream infection caused by Capnocy- superantigen-producing Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus tophaga canimorsus or Capnocytophaga cynodegmi. General- pyogenes, because the T cell activation induced by these ized erythroderma in a septic patient suggests the toxic toxins produces a cytokine profile that differs substantially shock syndrome caused by S. Gastrointestinal manifestations such as nausea, vomiting, In summary, the pathogenesis of severe sepsis may dif- diarrhea, and ileus may suggest acute gastroenteritis. Stress fer according to the infecting microbe, the ability of the ulceration can lead to upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Blood lac- tate levels increase early because of increased glycolysis as The manifestations of the septic response are usually well as impaired clearance of the resulting lactate and superimposed on the symptoms and signs of the patient’s pyruvate by the liver and kidneys. The rate at centration often increases, particularly in patients with dia- which signs and symptoms develop may differ from betes, although impaired gluconeogenesis and excessive patient to patient, and there are striking individual varia- insulin release occasionally produce hypoglycemia. For example, some patients with cytokine-driven acute-phase response inhibits the synthe- sepsis are normo- or hypothermic; the absence of fever is sis of transthyretin while enhancing the production of most common in neonates, elderly patients, and persons C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and complement compo- with uremia or alcoholism.

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Thus celebrex 200mg with amex, in order to fulfl the increasing demand of biopesticides buy celebrex 100 mg low cost, other alternatives have been investigated order 100 mg celebrex amex. Together with genetic and biochemical engineering tools, increasing biopesticide (azadirachtin) de- mand in the market can be met successfully using a process that is continuous, economical and independent of natural resources. Hence, plant cell culture technology has been considered as an attractive alternative source. Research into azadirachtin production from plant cell/tissue cultures is still in its initial stages and there is a long way to go towards a commercially viable process for azadirachtin production. Knowledge of the biosynthetic pathway of azadirachtin in plants is not yet intricately described and understood. Infor- mation is needed at a cellular and molecular level before an effcient alternative Chapter 12 In Vitro Azadirachtin Production 251 for the large-scale commercial production of azadirachtin can be achieved. De- spite the various biotechnological advances made in the production technology of azadirachtin to date, efforts are still required in terms of scale up in bioreac- tors for plant cell/tissue cultivations to economically produce azadirachtin on a large scale. Chemicals Evaluation, Environmental Protection, Pacifc Region, Environment Canada. Fukuzaki T, Kobayashi S, Hibi T, Ikuma Y, Ishihara J, Kanoh N, Murai A (2002) Org Lett 4:2877 7. Stockigt J, Obtiz P, Flakenhagen H, Lutterbach R, Endress R (1995) Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 43:914 59. In: Zait- lin M, Day P, Hollaender A (eds) Biotechnology in Plant Science: Relevance of Agri- culture in the Eighties. Sakamoto K, Iida K, Sawamura K, Hajiro K, Yoshikawa T, Furuya T (1993) Phyto- chemistry 33:357 91. Joshi M, Thengane S (1996) Potential application of in vitro methods for propagation of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Joarder A, Naderuzzaman R, Islam M, Hossain N, Joarder B, Biswas B (1993) Micro- propagation of neem through axillary bud culture. In: Proceedings of the World Neem Conference, 24–28 February 1993, Bangalore, India, p 41 112. Shrikhande M, Thengane S, Mascarenhas A (1993) In Vitro Cell Dev Biol – Plant 29:38 116. Fujita Y (1988) Shikonin production by plant (Lithospermum erythrorhizon) cell cul- tures. Due to its immense potentiality, it is considered to be a promising biomolecule, which could resolve several of the hurdles that generally delay the process of crop improvement through biotechnological ap- proaches. The structure of the oligosaccharide linker between the ethanolamine and lipid is as found in animals and microorganisms. Reprodu- ced with permission from Elsevier, copyright year 1999; original artwork of Serpe and Nothnagel [78] Chapter 13 Arabinogalactan Protein and Arabinogalactan 257 bulk of the molecule is comprised of carbohydrate, with arabinosyl and ga- lactosyl as the major sugar components (Fig. These proteoglycans are present predominantly in the inter- cellular spaces and vascular bundles of leaves, stems, and roots; in foral parts and in the cotyledons of seeds. These reagents are colored multivalent com- pounds, the most commonly used being ß-glucosyl Yariv reagent [(ß-glc)3Y]. Such physi- cal attributes have facilitated its use as dietary fber and prebiotics as well as in treatment for intestinal disorders. These highly branched polysaccharides, with molecular weights ranging from 10 to 120 kD, have 3,6-β-D-galactan units [27]. These carbohydrate molecules are attached to the protein core via β-D-galactopyranose-hydroxyproline linkage [28, 29]. Gibberellin is known to promote both the transcriptional activation and secretion of α-amylase. However, in the presence of 20 mM (β-Glc)3Y, transcriptional activation by gibberellin was completely abolished [47]. It was further confrmed that this inhibition by (β-Glc)3Y was specifc to gibberellin-induced α-amylase gene expression, and this is not a gen- eral effect on promoter activation. Alternatively, the carbohydrate chains impart a negative constraint on the molecule and this negative constraint is abolished by the chitinase-cata- lyzed removal of the carbohydrates. It was noted that this gene is expressed specifcally in the pollen and pollen tube. Chemical signals include hormones, pathogen elicitors, insecticides, fertilizers, and ozone, to name a few, and physical signals include fuctuations in light intensity, temperature, and wind. In order to per- ceive and suitably respond to protect themselves from harsh conditions, living cells are endowed with some sensor molecules, such as proteins, at the outer sur- face of the cells. These molecules transduce signals over the plasma membrane into the cell, resulting in the activation of a cascade of defense-related genes involved in specifc biotic and abiotic stress responses. Ion channels, receptor kinases, and receptor-activated effector enzymes participate in transmembrane signaling, leading to the generation of intracellular second messengers [66]. Lipid rafts are often categorized as specialized centers for signaling cascades due to the pres- ence of several signaling molecules within these lipid microdomains in animal cells [69]. By one mechanism, the regulated release of the protein from Chapter 13 Arabinogalactan Protein and Arabinogalactan 263 the membrane allows it to enter the cytoplasm to generate second messengers, such as phosphotidyl-inositol and inositol phosphoglycan [70], without the in- volvement of a membrane-spanning protein. This interaction is medi- ated either by transmembrane proteins or by an indirect interaction with lipid rafts. Expression of this protein renders the organ- ism tolerant to salt, moisture, and heat [76].

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