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Situations particulières : - La chorée (halopéridol à 0,2 mg/kg/j) - Si syndrome inflammatoire contemporain (antibiothérapie et corticothérapie) - En l’absence de syndrome inflammatoire (juste une antibiothérapie) - L’insuffisance cardiaque : traitement classique de l’insuffisance cardiaque. Conseils aux patients • Savoir faire l’hygiène de la bouche et les dents pour éviter infection par les Streptocoques bêta-hémolytique. R Kumar et al, A community-based rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart disease cohort: 12 years experience, Indian Heart J. European Society of Cardiology Guideline on the Management of Valvular Heart Disease 2007. Clinique Signe fonctionnel: • Douleur, paresthésie du mollet • Fébricule en règle générale retardé avec dissociation pouls-température • Souvent asymptomatique Ex clinique: • Inspection: chaleur locale et augmentation de volume du mollet, œdème de la cheville, dilatation veineuse superficielle • Palpation: douleur, cordon veineux induré, perte du ballottement passif du mollet • Signe de Homans: douleur du mollet à la dorsi-flexion du pied Forme clinique particulière: Phlegmatia caerulea ou Phlébite bleue • Elle associe à la phlébite une ischémie par compression artérielle due à un œdème important • Elle complique plus souvent les phlébites ilio-fémorales que les phlébites surales • Cliniquement: œdème très important, dur, la jambe froide, bleue avec des taches purpuriques, pouls non perçus urgence chirurgicale 2. Tous patients ayant une thrombose veineuse profonde 164 Thrombose Veineuse Profonde V. Définitation La rhinopharyngite est une atteinte inflammatoire de l’étage supérieur du pharynx (cavum) à laquelle vient s’associer de façon variable une atteinte nasale. Le traitement antibiotique n’est pas justifié en cas de rhinopharyngite aiguë non compliquée, chez l’adulte comme chez l’enfant. Seules les complications avérées, supposées bactériennes (otite moyenne aiguë, sinusite) justifient l’utilisation d’antibiotiques. Physiopathologie: L’infection des végétations adénoïdes par un virus provoqué une réaction inflammatoire avec une sensation de picotements, voire de brûlure du cavum, accompagnée de sécrétions mucoïdes, puis purulentes. Sa contagiosité directe (flux aérien) ou indirect (mains) explique sa diffusion rapide. Complication La complication de rhinopharyngite peut évoluer vers la gravité chez: • les immunodépressions. Les germes responsables fréquentes sont Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis.. Le traitement est essentiellement local et l’antibiothérapie par voie orale est indiquée. Tous les patients doivent bénéficier d’un traitement symptômatique et étiologique si la cause bactérienne. Une attitude thérapeutique minimale : antipyrétiques (Acétaminophène 0 (Paracétamol*) 1g 3 fois par jour si la temperature supérieur à 38 C), lavage des fosses nasals (par le serum sale physiologique 0,9% 3 – 4 fois/jour), parfois traitements locaux, est le plus souvent suffisante. Au moment le syndrome soit présent, il ne faut pas trop inquiéte et rester au lit, limiter de déplacer, si la fièvre présente, utilisé paracétamol, car la rhinopharygite aiguë est la forme bénigne et guérison spontanné. Recommandations et Pratique: strategies thérapeutique, 1er Edition: Octobre 2005 2. Physiopathologie Les fosses nasales et les sinus sont tapissés par la même muqueuse respiratoire ciliée et perméable. Les rhinopharyngites sont des infections virales très fréquentes qui touchent souvent la muqueuse des sinus, en plus de la muqueuse nasale ou pharyngée. L’agression virale de l’épithélium respiratoire qui tapisse les fosses nasales et les sinus entraine une modification des rapports entre les bactéries résidentes (pneumocoque, Haemophilus influenzae, Branhamella catarrhalis) et la muqueuse. La disparition du mouvement mucociliaire contribue à favoriser l’adhésion des bactéries et leur multiplication. Epidémiologie Elle fait généralement suite à une rhinite ou à une rhinopharyngite virale. Allergie, mucoviscidose, polypose, dyskinésie ciliaire, corps étranger, traumatisme nasal direct ou barotraumatisme peuvent également être des causes de sinusite aiguë. Complication : La complication bactérienne est rare La sinusite, qui dure généralement plus longtemps qu’un rhume, peut être très douloureuse et entraîner des complications graves (cellulite orbitaire, ostéomyélite, thrombose du sinus caverneux). Les arguments en faveur d’une surinfection bactérienne responsable de sinusite aiguë maxillaire purulente sont : (il faut avoir 2 critères majeurs ou 1critère majeur avec 2 critères mineurs) • Les critères majeurs : 1. Examen biologique La numération de formule sanguine n’est pas nécessaire en car de sinusite aiguë virale. La prescription peut se faire lorsqu’il est en suspicion de sinusite aiguë purulente ou présence de complication d’infection orbitaire ou ostéomyélite ou méningite bactérienne ou origine dentaire. Examen radiologique L’examen radiographique standard n’est pas recommandé en routine. Les décongestionnants pris par voie orale occasionnent moins de problèmes à la muqueuse nasale, mais peuvent avoir des effets secondaires gênants (aggravation de l’hypertension artérielle, par exemple), car leur efficacité est contestée. Recommandations et Pratique: strategies thérapeutique, 1er Edition: Octobre 2005 2. Use of symptoms, signs, and blood tests to diagnose acute sinus infections in primary care: comparison with computed tomography. Comparison of cefuroxime axetil and amoxicillin/clavulanate in the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis. Définition: L’hémoptysie correspond à une expectoration de sang rouge vif, aéré, spumeux provenant des voies respiratoires sous-glottiques suite à une toux. Les pièges sont épistasie avec jetage postérieure, gingivorragie et hématémèse : sang d’origine digestive, effort de vomissement. Physiopathologie d’origine de l’hémoptysie: o 90% des cas: de la vascularisation systémique à haute pression, artère bronchique nourricière provenant de l’aorte.

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The lower acid cheap menosan 60 caps overnight delivery, neochlorogenic acid cheap 60caps menosan with visa, 3 generic 60caps menosan fast delivery,5-dicaffeoyl quinic acid ones are serrate and the upper ones entire-margined. Golden Rod also inhibits the forma- go virgaurea on the market; confusions with Senecio species tion of urinary calculi. Mode of Administration: As chopped drug by itself or in Further information in: *. Daily Dosage: The daily dosage is 6 to 12 gm of Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed Verlagsgesellsch. The Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, recommended dosage for the liquid extract is 0. Bader G, Plohmann B, Franz G, Hiller K, Saponins from European Mistletoe Solidago virgaurea L. Flower and Fruit: The flower is yellowish-green, dioecious Hiller K, Bader G, Goldruten-Kraut Portrait einer Arzneipflanze. The stamens are Inose Y, Miyase T, Ueno A, Studies on the constituents of fused with the tips. Structural elucidation of saponins in tepals with a thick stigma sitting on die short style. The round branches are repeatedly bifurcat- Untersuchungsergebnisse mit aquaretisch, antibakteriell und ed and thickened to knots at the joints and are the same prostatotrop wirksamen Arzneipflanzen. Triterpenes: including among others alpha-amyrin (alpha- Production: European Mistletoe berries are the fresh or dried viscol), beta-amyrin acetate, betulic acid, oleanolic acid, fruit of Viscum album. The drug is collected in the wild during the spring The Mistletoe lectins in the drug are hypotensive, cytotoxic and is air-dried or put in driers at a maximum temperature of and immune-stimulating. Presumably, addition, the fruit is used to treat internal bleeding, epilepsy, they lack the toxic lectins and viscotoxins. Other uses include long- named are isolectin mixtures term therapy for cases of mild high blood pressure and as an arteriosclerosis prophylactic. Sugar alcohols: including among others mannitol, quebra- chitol, pinitol, viscumitol Chinese Medicine: The drug is used for joint pain, tendon and muscle pain, lumbago, back pain, vaginal bleeding Flavonoids: including glycosides of quercetin, quercetin during pregnancy and agalactia. Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie, with the proper administration of designated therapeutic Pharmakologie, 2. No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug is Anonym, Integrative Konzepte in der Onkologie: Misteltherapie non-toxic with peroral administration. The wheal formation and the elevation of body temperature Anonym, Sind Mistelpraparate mehr als nur Adjuvanzien in der are considered signs of immune system stimulation and onkologischen Therapie? Clin Mistletoe wine is prepared by adding 40 gm drug to 1 liter Invest 70:658-661 wine; the preparation is ready for use after 3 days. A liquid extract is made in the ratio of 1:1 with diluted Beuth J, Lenartz D, Uhlenbruck G, Lektionoptimierter ethanol; a tincture is made in the ratio of 1:5 with 45% Mistelextrakt. European induce the production of cytokines by cultured human Mistletoe wine dosage is 3 to 4 glasses daily, liquid extract monocytes. Storage: European Mistletoe must be stored away from the Hamacher H, Mistel (Viscum album L. Increased secretion of tumor necrosis factor interleukin 1: und Uhlenbrock S, Weihnachten, Miraculix und die Anthroposophie. Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte, Forschung und klinische Anwendung. Flower and Fruit: The large flowers are solitary at the ends Anticonvulsive and analgesic effects could not be of the stems. The wild species has 5 to 8 ovate, red petals that are 4 to 5 cm long; the cultivated forms have many more. European Peony root is follicles containing numerous, dark, glossy, pea-sized seeds. The stem is leafy, Homeopathic Uses: Among uses in homeopathy are hemor- erect, lightly branched and glabrous, with a stalk about 50 rhoids and other anal conditions. Production: European Peony flower consists of the petals of Paeonia officinalis and/or Paeonia mascula. European Peony Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic uses include hemorrhoids root consists of the dried secondary roots of Paeonia and other anal conditions. The flowers are harvested in dry weather shortly administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Side ef- after the end of flowering and dried quickly in the shade or fects that may occur, particularly in cases of overdosages, in moderate sunshine. Because efficacy has not been documented, therapeutic use Other Names: Peony, Piney cannot be recommended. Tannins (pentagalloyl glucose) How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical prepa- £ Flavonoids: in particular kaempferol glycosides rations include drops and compound preparations. The short rhizome is solid, horizontal, multi- segmented, broken off and covered in thick fibers. European Peony flowers are used as an grooved, and has only 1 to 2 sessile leaves. The leaves are inactive ingredient in cough and fumigant teas and as a basal, long-petioled, and palmate with 5 lobes. The lateral tips are divided in 2 and especially How Supplied: Forms of commercial pharmaceutical prepa- glossy underneath. Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, Asia Minor, the Storage: Store protected from light and moisture for no Caucasus, western Siberia, northern Africa, and in the longer than 1 year.

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The internal jugular vein is most easily seen with the pa- tient reclining (usually at 45˚) best menosan 60caps, with the head supported Cyanosis and the neck muscles relaxed and in good lighting con- Cyanosis is a blue discolouration of the skin and mu- ditions discount menosan 60 caps free shipping. It is due to the presence of desaturated toid muscle in the upper third of the neck purchase menosan 60caps amex, behind it haemoglobin and becomes visible when levels rise above in the middle third and between the two heads of ster- 5 g/dL. Cyanosis is not present in very anaemic patients nocleidomastoid in the lower third. Cyanosis is divided from the carotid pulse by its double waveform, it is non- into two categories: palpable, it is occluded by pressure and pressure on the r Peripheral cyanosis, which is seen in the fingertips and liver causes a rise in the level of the pulsation (hepato- peripheries. The jugular waveform and pressure give it is due to poor perfusion, as the sluggish circulation information about the pressures within the right atrium leads to increased desaturation of haemoglobin. This as there are no valves separating the atrium and the in- may be as a result of normal vasoconstriction in the ternal jugular vein (see Fig. It is a result of failure of 3cmrepresents an abnormal increase in filling pressure Chapter 2: Clinical 27 Normal The normal pulsation has a rapid rise in pressure followed by a slower phase or reduction in pressure. Slow rising The slow rising pulse is seen in aortic stenosis due to obstruction of outflow. Collapsing The collapsing pulse of aortic regurgitation is characterised by a large upstroke followed by a rapid fall in pressure. This is best appreciated with the arm held up above the head and the pulse felt with the flat of the fingers. Alternans Pulsus alternans describes a pulse with alternating strong and weak beats. Bisferiens This is the waveform that reults from mixed aortic stenosis and regurgitation. The percussive wave P T (P) is due to ventricular systole, the tidal wave (T) is due to vascular recoil causing a palpable double pulse i. Paradoxus This is an accentuation of the normal situation with an excessive and palpable fall of the pulse Inspiration pressure during inspiration. Once the atrium is filled with blood it contracts to give the ‘a’ wave a The ‘a’ wave is lost in atrial fibrillation. The ‘a’ wave is increased in pulmonary stenosis, pulmonary hypertension and tricuspid stenosis (as a consequence of right atrial or right ventricular hypertrophy). The atrium relaxes to give the ‘x’ descent; however, the start of a ventricular contraction causes ballooning of the tricuspid valve as c it closes, resulting in the ‘c’ wave. The further ‘x’ descent is due to descent of the closed valve towards the cardiac apex. This may occur in right-sided heart Timing to systole or diastole is achieved by palpation failure, congestive cardiac failure and pulmonary em- of the carotid pulse whilst auscultating. Murmurs are further described according to their Precordial heaves, thrills and pulsation relationship to the cardiac cycle. Thisoccursinmitralregurgitation, ventricular hypertrophy when the impulse is at the tricuspid regurgitation and with a ventricular septal same time as the apex beat and carotid pulsation. It is heard r A thrill is a palpable murmur and is due to turbulent with aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis and with an blood flow. For example, a diastolic thrill at r A late systolic murmur is heard in mitral valve pro- the apex is suggestive of severe mitral stenosis (aortic lapse. This is most tercostal space) and the relationship to the chest (mid- helpful when the flow of blood is considered according clavicular line, anterior axillary line, etc). The normal to the lesion, for example aortic stenosis radiates to the position is the fourth or fifth intercostal space in the neck, mitral regurgitation radiates to the axilla. Investigations and procedures Heart murmurs Coronary angioplasty Heart murmurs are the result of turbulent blood flow. Coronary angioplasty is a technique used to dilate stenosed coronary arteries in patients with ischaemic heart disease. These slowly disease or triple vessel disease to be treated by bypass release a drug (e. In addition, patients with concomitant condi- Coronary artery bypass surgery tions precluding bypass surgery, e. It has Early angiography and angioplasty is now being in- also been shown to improve outcome in patients with creasingly used immediately following a myocardial triple vessel disease or left main stem coronary artery infarction, in order to reduce the risk of further infarc- disease. A small whilst maintaining an adequate circulation to the rest balloon is passed up the aorta via peripheral arterial ac- of the body cardiopulmonary bypass is most commonly cess under radiographic guidance. A cannula is placed in the right atrium in order fected coronary artery, the balloon is inflated to dilate to divert blood away from the heart. The blood is then the stenosis, compressing the atheromatous plaque and oxygenated by one of two methods: stretching the layers of the vessel wall to the sides. A stent r Bubble oxygenators work by bubbling 95% oxygen is often used to reduce recurrence. If the myocardium is to be opened, cross-clamping the Complications aorta gives a bloodless field; the heart is protected from The main immediate complication of balloon angio- ischaemia by cooling to between 20 and 30˚C. Systemic plasty is intimal/medial dissection leading to abrupt ves- cooling also lowers metabolic requirements of other or- sel occlusion. Beatingheartbypassgraftingisnow has been largely resolved with the routine implantation possible using a mechanical device to stabilise the target of a stent. There is a risk of complications, including surface area of the heart, but access to the posterior sur- emergency coronary artery bypass surgery, myocardial face of the heart can be difficult. More commonly, local The internal mammary artery is the graft of choice haematoma at the site of arterial puncture may occur. The coronary arteries are opened distal to the obstruction and the grafts are placed. If the saphenous Prognosis vein is used, its proximal end is sewn to the ascend- Depending on the anatomy of the lesion, significant ing aorta.

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