

Linearity On four different days a matrix matched calibration line was prepared including 0 discount 1mg requip with visa, 0 order 2 mg requip. Calibration lines were constructed by plotting the peak areas best requip 0.5 mg, corrected by the corresponding internal standard, versus the added level and carrying out least squares linear regression. The linearity was considered acceptable if the coefficient of correlation was at least 0. For each sample the ß-lactams concentration was calculated using the calibration line constructed on the same day. The trueness was calculated by dividing the average calculated level by the nominal concentration. Thompson [79] however, demonstrated that the Horwitz equation is not -1 applicable to the lower concentration range (< 120 µg kg ) and suggested a complementary model. The latter, more stringent criteria were -1 adopted for this validation study for all validation levels < 120 µg kg. However, using different muscle samples a better understanding of the between sample variation is obtained and the validation better reflects a routine analysis situation. Because the validation levels of the penicillins are far above the detection limit, additional blank poultry muscle samples (n=7) 259 were spiked at 5, 10 and 15 µg/kg with the penicillins and analysed according to the presented procedure. The results were assessed using the results of the samples spiked at the lowest validation level. In at least 95 % of these samples a peak for the ß-lactams should be observed for the least abundant product ion. Selectivity The selectivity of the method was studied based on a practical and a theoretical study. First, the 21 analysed blank samples were checked for interferences at the retention times corresponding to the ß-lactam hydrolysis reaction products. Second, the procedure previously described for validation of selectivity was applied to estimate the probability of interfering substances [81] (chapter 3). Additionally some minor changes to the method were assessed in triplicate being: (1) hydrolysis for an additional 60 min, (2) evaporation of the eluent until dryness and leaving the test tubes in the evaporator for 30 min, and (3 and 4) adjustment of the pH of the extract to pH 6. The trueness and repeatability of these tests were compared to the characteristics of the method as described. Stability Stability data for the ß-lactams in solutions and final extracts were obtained from literature for the penicillins [82] and studied for the cephalosporins and -1 carbapenems. The stability was tested for 10 mg L academic solutions in methanol according to a previously described procedure [82]. Mixed reference -1 solutions of 10 mg L of the studied compounds were placed at < -70 °C, -18 °C and 4 °C. After 1and 2 months two containers of both -18 °C and 4 °C were placed at < -70 °C. At the day of analysis, all solutions were defrosted, hydrolysed and analysed in quadruplicate in random order. The stability of final extracts was determined by storing these extracts at -18 °C after analysis. The linearity, the trueness and the repeatability of this series was 260 Chapter 5 evaluated based on the established validation criteria to determine whether quantitative analysis is still possible after storing the sample extracts at -18 °C for one week. Application to routine samples The method was assessed by analysing ceftiofur incurred poultry muscle samples obtained from ceftiofur treated chicks obtained 4h, 8h and 24h after treatment (n=3). These samples were analysed using the presented method and the method previously presented using a hydrolysis with ammonia which was found to have comparable results to other routinely applied methods for ceftiofur analysis [76] (section 5. Finally the presented method was used to monitor 25 poultry muscle samples obtained from different local super markets. Results & Discussion Characterization of the hydrolysis reaction products The penicillins all react in the same way with piperidine as was previously reported [53,71]. A reaction product is produced by hydrolysis of the ß-lactam ring under formation of the substituted amide (figure 5. The reaction product is, in contrast to the penicillin itself [59,82], a stable molecule and therefore the hydrolysis procedure is beneficial with regard to method ruggedness. The cephalosporin hydrolysis is more complicated and results in multiple reaction products. A first nucleophillic substitution occurs in which the ß-lactam ring is hydrolysed and the leaving group at the C ’ position is removed resulting in the exo-methylene compound as reported previously [53,83]. This intermediate was detected in the continuous infusion full scan mass spectra for all cephalosporins, except for cefalexin. Cefalexin showed the intermediate at two mass units higher, which is explained by the absence of a leaving group on position 3: only the hydrolysis of the ß-lactam ring occurs and no double bond can be produced at this position. First, because the exo- methylene group is highly reactive, a second nucleophillic substitution occurs at the ’ position (figure 5. This results in a reaction product containing two piperidine moieties (cefazolin, cefalonium, cefacetrile and cefoperazone), which was confirmed by a mass increase of 20 Da when carrying out the reaction using piperidine-d11. A peak at the m/z corresponding with this reaction product was observed for all cephalosporins in the continuous infusion mass spectra. The cefalexin intermediate does not contain an exo-methylene group and thus it cannot undergo a second nucleophillic attack at position ’. Because a reaction product is observed at the corresponding m/z, another reaction must occur that results in an isomeric reaction product.

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Microcytic cheap 2mg requip fast delivery, hypochromic with marked cells (leptocytes) buy requip 2mg with amex, and well-defined sickle cells poikilocytosis and increased platelets (drepanocytes) characteristic of sickle cell disease purchase requip 2 mg on-line. Macrocytic, hypochromic with marked Sickle cells are elongated with pointed ends, and anisocytosis and normal platelets the Hgb is concentrated in the center of the cell. Microcytic, hypochromic, with mild anisocytosis are rarely seen in patients with sickle cell trait. On average, when more than 20 platelets are seen per oil immersion field, the platelet count is elevated. Plate 36 is a Wright’s-stained peripheral blood Answers to Questions 36–39 film, 1,000×. Plate 39 is from a Wright’s-stained smear of macrocytic anemia, and autoimmune hemolytic peripheral blood, 1,000× from a patient with 9 anemia is usually normocytic, normochromic. Flow cytometry indicates Hematology/Evaluate clinical and laboratory data/ these cells to be B cells in approximately 95% of Leukemia/3 cases. The bone marrow in Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia is infiltrated by plasmacytoid lymphocytes, plasma cells, and mast cells, as well as small lymphocytes; however, a severe peripheral lymphocytosis is not seen. The lymphocyte count is usually 15–25 × 109/L, but the cells are atypical, being characterized by reactive features. Plate 40 is from a Wright’s-stained peripheral Answers to Questions 40–43 blood film, 400×. Hemolytic hospitalized with tachycardia, a rapidly anemias are often normocytic, normochromic. Plate 41 is from a patient’s ethnic background, clinical findings, and Wright’s-stained smear of his peripheral blood, sulfonamide therapy point to a hemolytic episode 1,000×. Which surrounded by a clear perinuclear area that of the following conditions is most likely to be represents the Golgi apparatus. A Blasts are usually 15–20 μ in diameter with a large nucleus containing fine chromatin. Lymphoblasts are differentiated from myeloblasts by cytochemical staining and flow cytometry. Lymphoblasts often display irregular clumping of the chromatin and azurophilic granules. Plate 44 is a Wright’s-stained peripheral blood Answers to Questions 44–47 film, 1,000×. Te white blood cells in this field are negative for peroxidase, chloroacetate esterase, 44. On characteristic of the L1 subtype of acute lymphocytic the basis of these findings, what is the most leukemia. Lymphoblasts with L3 morphology are large and irregular in size and often contain one D. These are characteristics of esterase (specific esterase), and 70% are positive monoblasts. M1 is myeloblastic leukemia without for α-naphthyl acetate esterase (nonspecific maturation. A The control slide shows peroxidase staining of the as plate 46 after peroxidase staining, 1000×. The cytoplasm peripheral blood film, 1,000×, which is used of the blast in plate 47A is strongly positive for as a control. Te blast cell shown in plate 47A is peroxidase, indicating that it is a myeloblast. M5 may be weakly positive, Hematology/Identify microscopic morphology/Special and myeloblasts in M6 are positive. Lymphoblasts, stains/3 hairy cells, erythroid cells, megakaryocytes, and platelets are negative. Plate 48 is from a Wright’s-stained peripheral Answers to Questions 48–52 blood film, 1,000×. Plate 49 is a Wright’s-stained peripheral blood round nucleus that is smaller, the chromatin is more film, 1,000×. Döhle bodies and magnification stained with Sternheimer–Malbin vacuolated neutrophils may be seen in association stain. Transitional epithelial cell and stain reddish pink with Sternheimer–Malbin Body fluids/Identify microscopic morphology/Urine stain. Transitional epithelial cells stain a pale blue, and sediment/2 have far less abundant cytoplasm. Plate 52 shows a urinary sediment under 400× cytoplasm with a nuclear:cytoplasm ratio of magnification stained with Sternheimer–Malbin approximately 1. Squamous epithelial cell with a dark purple-blue or reddish purple nucleus and lighter purple or orange-purple cytoplasm. In Body fluids/Identify microscopic morphology/Urine contrast, transitional cells are about the same size sediment/2 but stain with a blue nucleus and pale blue cytoplasm. Plate 53 shows a urinary sediment under 400× Answers to Questions 53–57 magnification stained with Sternheimer–Malbin stain. Squamous epithelial cell have a sawtooth (caudate) shape, but otherwise they are oval. Transitional cells stain pale blue with Body fluids/Identify microscopic morphology/Urine Sternheimer–Malbin stain. Hair chromatin, and a rough cytoplasmic membrane Body fluids/Identify microscopic morphology/Urine characteristic of reactive mesothelial cells. Plate 55 is a Wright’s-stained cytocentrifuge and should be quantified separately from the sperm preparation of pleural fluid, 1,000×. A primary spermatocyte is a large diploid the large cell near the center of the field?

In this section cheap requip 0.25mg with mastercard, we give you a tool for figuring out if you use the Self-Blame Reality Scrambler generic requip 2 mg without a prescription. After you begin to understand that your problem isn’t completely your fault discount requip 1 mg with mastercard, you can take action on the portion for which you own responsibility. The Rating Responsibility Exercise helps you see that most problems have many causes and that you only own a portion of the responsibility. After you understand the causes of the problem, you’ll be more ready to do something produc- tive about it. Robin blames herself for her recent divorce and believes that she is almost entirely respon- sible for her husband leaving the marriage for another woman. Robin considers herself boring and unattractive, and she berates herself for not seeing the signs early enough to prevent what happened. Robin decides to take the Rating Responsibility Exercise (see Worksheet 5-17), focusing on the blame she places on herself for her divorce. Worksheet 5-17 Robin’s Rating Responsibility Exercise I blame myself for: My recent divorce I rate the blame at: 95% All Possible Causes of Your Problem Percentage of Responsibility My husband’s roving eye. My husband’s grief over losing his 10%: He could never talk about mother, father, and brother over the last these losses, and I know they got year and a half. My husband can easily find women more 5%: Yeah, but I do look better than attractive than me. Chapter 5: Untangling Twisted Thinking 73 All Possible Causes of Your Problem Percentage of Responsibility We had stopped talking about our days. As you can see, Robin initially assigns 95 percent of the blame for the divorce on herself. At the end of the quiz, Robin reassesses her level of responsibility because she’s able to see things a bit more objectively. She re-rates the level of blame she puts on herself and identi- fies that 20 percent seems more appropriate — she’s only partly responsible. Now that you’ve seen the Rating Responsibility Exercise in action, it’s time to evaluate the level of responsibility you feel you carry. Complete your Rating Responsibility Exercise in Worksheet 5-18 by fol- lowing these steps: 1. Using a percentage from 1 to 100, rate how much blame you put on yourself for this problem. At the top of the worksheet, write this percentage under the problem you’ve identified. In the right-hand column, using a number from 1 to 100, estimate the percentage of actual responsibility for this problem that each cause in the left-hand column owns. These folks usu- ally find a convenient scapegoat such as a mother, father, significant other, society, or event to blame for all their woes. Failing to accept any responsibility for your troubles makes you see yourself as helpless and the world as unfair and unjust (check out Chapter 3 for more information about such self-sabotaging beliefs). Realize that you don’t want to fall into that trap — read the next section to see how to avoid it. Doing What You Can to Solve the Problem In this section, you face your problem and take action to change it. By assessing your responsibility and determining what you can do about your problem, you avoid immersing yourself in self-loathing and harsh self-blame. This approach allows you to take respon- sibility for an appropriate portion of the problem and do what you can with it. If your responsibility involves something that’s over and done with, no action is possible. But you can still try to let go of the shame that leads nowhere and does nothing to help you. Robin reviews her Rating Responsibility Exercise (see Worksheet 5-17) and notices that she owns partial responsibility for some of the problems that led to her divorce. She lists those contributions and then plans steps for productive action on the Action Strategy Worksheet shown in Worksheet 5-19. Chapter 5: Untangling Twisted Thinking 75 Worksheet 5-19 Robin’s Action Strategy Worksheet The problem: My divorce. My Specific Contributions to the Problem Specific Actions I Can Take I am ten pounds overweight. It won’t help this divorce, but my counselor said exer- cise will lift my spirits, and I’ll be healthier. I’m not the most attractive I can’t do a lot about my appearance other woman in the world. I ignored our lack of When I find another relationship, I need to communication in the marriage. After completing your Rating Responsibility Exercise in Worksheet 5-18, the next step is to create an action strategy to determine how you can begin solving your problem. By identify- ing productive actions to address the problem, you’re able to move forward and stop berating yourself. Name the problem you’re blaming yourself for and write it at the top of the worksheet. In the left-hand column, list the specific contributions you’ve identified that you have some control over. In other words, record anything you did that may have led to the problem or made it worse. In the right-hand column, list any steps you can take now or in the future that may be useful in solving this problem.

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